Advantages of an inventory system

One of the most frequent reasons why clients reach out to us is (because they are looking for help with their) inventory control. Their main question is: “how can I improve the way I track and keep record of my inventory?” For both producers and distributors it is crucial to have complete visibility of the merchandise, raw material and finished goods, as well as records of inputs and outputs and gathering analytical information.



Some of the main advantages of having a software to control your inventory are:


Reliable real-time information

By having a system connected to the cloud supporting multiple warehouses or branches, information can be extracted without waiting for the records to be updated manually at the end of the day.


Historical reports of inputs and outputs

You can get various reports showing movements per day, products available, and both inputs and outputs.


Maximum and minimum stock level alerts

For many companies it is essential to maintain a certain amount of stock to be able to meet their customer demand, while in the case of companies dealing with perishable products it is important to never have overstock of these products. Having the ability to set up alerts on your stock levels will help in both cases.



alerts on your stock levels will help in both cases.



Warehouse Map

For more complex cases where warehouses or yards are not set up to easily locate the required product, virtual maps can be created showing the location of each product so it can be easily retrieved when needed.